14 Best Citizenship By Investment Countries


Citizenship by investment is an opportunity to become a citizen in a specific country. It is a direct legal route to acquire citizenship and a passport by investing and contributing to a country’s economy.

Your citizenship by investment is the relationship between you and a specific country where the country grants you certain rights based on your investment in the country’s economy. There are several best citizenship by investment countries that will help you in the long run of staying in the country.

 In this overview, we will provide you with more details on what citizenship by investment countries is, and the top 14 best citizens by investment countries.


Citizenship by investment is a process that legally grants citizenship rights and status. It works by providing legal citizenship for financial contributions and investments to the economy of a country. 

These rights include the right to work, the right to property ownership, the right to freedom, and the right to opinion (such as voting). In return, accept your duties as a citizen and follow the laws and customs of that country.

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For example, you can become a citizen of Canada in for a few days and invest CAD 350,000. Accredited investors must have a minimum net worth of CAD 1,500,000 

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How Does Citizenship by Investment Work?

Citizenship by Investment (CBI) programs offer a path to a second citizenship by investing a significant sum in the participating country’s economy. These programs are designed to attract foreign capital and boost development. The investment options vary but can include real estate purchases, government bonds, contributions to national funds, or even setting up a business.

There’s a multi-step process involved. First, you research programs that suit your budget and preferences. Each country sets its minimum investment amount and has specific requirements for applicants.

These might include background checks, medical examinations, and proof of funds. Once you choose a program, qualified agents can guide you through the application process, which involves submitting documents and government fees.

Approval timelines differ, but successful applicants receive full citizenship with all the associated benefits, like visa-free travel and the right to live, work, and study in the new country. Some programs even extend these benefits to family members. It’s important to remember CBI is a significant investment, and there can be additional costs associated with due diligence and professional fees.

How much you need to invest in Canada to get citizenship?

Canada’s Citizenship by Investment program requires a hefty investment of C$1,200,000 (approximately $945,000 USD) for five years. That’s a significant sum of money that’s essentially a loan to the Canadian government for five years with no interest earned.

The upside? You don’t need to start a business under this program; you simply invest the money and meet the eligibility requirements. This can be a good option for those seeking a straightforward path to Canadian citizenship without the hassle of running a business.


Here is a list of the top best citizenship by investment countries:


Granada is one of the best citizenship by investment countries. The Grenada citizenship program requires a minimum investment of $150,000. The citizenship program offers investors options to choose whether they want a Non-refundable contribution of $150,000 or a Government-approved real estate investment of $220,000. 

The processing time for the application is 4-5 months. Grenada is the only Caribbean country with visa-free access to over 144 countries worldwide, including the EU & UK. In addition, Grenada holds an E-2 treaty with the US, granting Grenada passport holders access to work in the United States.

Grenada Applicant Requirements

  • A minimum non-refundable contribution of USD 150,000
  • Applicant must be over 18 years old
  • Proof of Clear criminal record
  • Proof of address
  • Financial document
  • Medical certificate

Family requirement:

  • Dependent parents over 55 years.
  • Dependent children under the age of 30
  • Unmarried dependent siblings who are 18 years and above 

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Citizenship by investment
Source: pexels.com

Montenegro is among the best citizenship by investment countries. Their citizenship by investment program requires applicants to make a real estate contribution of EUR 450,000 in the southern region or an investment of EUR 250,000 in a government-approved region and a donation of EUR 200,000 to the country. The processing time takes 5-10 months. 

A Montenegrin passport grants visa-free access to over 135 countries worldwide. Some of the key benefits of being approved for Montenegro Citizenship by investment are the rights that come with it. Right to work and study within Montenegro, right to vote, and freedom of movement.

Montenegro Applicant Requirement 

  • Clean criminal record
  • Main Applicant must be over 18 
  • Proof of income 
  • Proof of address
  • Medical certificate


The United Kingdom is one of the top best citizenship by investment countries. Their citizenship by investment program allows investors to make a simple investment of £2 million to £10 million to qualify for the program. You can choose between two routes for UK citizenship by investment. 

To get a Tier 1 investor visa and apply for permanent residence, you need to invest at least £2,000,000 to settle in 5 years and later apply for permanent residence or £5,000,000 to get a permanent residence in 3 years or £10,000,000 to get a permanent residence in 2 years.

The Innovator Visa, to get an innovator visa, you have to invest at least £50,000 into your own British company. You need to become a CEO and take responsibility for its growth until you become a permanent resident.

United Kingdom Applicants Requirements

  • The applicant must be 18 years old or above
  • you must have a Clean criminal record
  • Prove your knowledge of English
  • Have a new and intelligent business idea with a goal for growth.
  • You must be financially stable


Canada citizenship by investment is an ideal option for those who want to develop a business. 

This citizenship cannot be obtained remotely: you need to prove your knowledge of the language. Also, your business must have been accepted in an authorized business incubator, and you must pass an exam concerning Canadian values, economy, institutions, history, and rights. To apply for Canada Citizenship by investment, you must invest at least CAD 1,200,000 for 5 years.

Canada citizenship offers visa-free travel to over 170 countries including The United States, Australia, and the European Union. You also get free access to a universal healthcare system that is one of the best in the world.

Canada Applicant Requirements:

  • You must take a language text
  • Proof of address in Canada
  • You must be 18 years old
  • Medical Certificate
  • Proof of net worth
  • Clean criminal record in your home country and any other country of residence

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Source: pexels.com

The Malta Citizenship by Investment program also known as the Citizenship by Naturalization for exceptional services by direct investments process helps investors gain citizenship through an investment of €600,000 if they have completed 36 months of residency in Malta or €750,000 after residing in the country for 12 months. 

Apart from these investment options, you may choose to buy a residential property worth at least €700,000 in Malta, which must be held for at least five years, or lease a residence with a rental value of €16,000 annually. You must donate €10,000 to a Maltese organization approved by the community Malta Agency.

Malta offers A Visa-Free Travel benefit to over 180 countries, including the USA and the European Union. 

Malta Applicant Requirements:

  • Be Over the age of 18.
  • Have a Clean criminal record
  • Not have been denied a visa to a country that has a visa renunciation agreement with Malta
  • Medical Certificate
  • Proof of address in Malta


Cyprus offers one of the simplest and cheapest citizenship by investment programs in the world with easy conditions. It is one of the top best citizenship by investment countries.

You must make a minimum investment and contribution of EUR 2.2 million. The investment process requires an investment of €300,000 into the property, a donation of €100,000, a deposit of at least €30,000 into a bank in Cyprus, and a monthly income of €30,000. 

Cyprus Citizenship grants applicants the freedom to live, work, and study in Cyprus and all European member states with visa-free access to over 170 countries worldwide, including the UK & EU.

Cyprus Applicant requirements:

  • Be at least 18 years old
  • Have clean criminal records
  • Birth certificates
  • Medical certificate
  • Proof of address in Cyprus


The Turkish citizenship-by-investment program (Known as Turkey Golden Vida) is one of the most helpful citizenship-by-investment countries in the world that will provide you with the right of free movement to over 110 destinations including Singapore, Japan, Hong Kong, and Türkiye. 

It also grants you and your family full citizenship and a pathway to the US E-2 investment visa, which means you can live, work and study in the US. The minimum investment option to becoming a Turkish citizen is purchasing real estate worth at least $250,000.

Other options include investing a minimum of $500,000 as capital investment or depositing at least $500,000 into a Turkish bank and maintaining the deposit for three years.

Turkey Applicant Requirements:

  • Evidence of a clean criminal record
  • Proof of address
  • Financial documents
  • Have no Visa refusal


Source: pexels.com

The Dominica Citizenship by Investment program requires a minimum investment of at least $200,000, however, investors can choose between two investment options: The Non-refundable contribution to the Dominica Economy Diversification fund of $100,000 and The Real estate purchase of $200,000.

Both offering Visa-free access to 143 countries including Singapore, Hong Kong, and the United Kingdom, with the ability to include your spouse, children (unmarried and under 30), and parents or grandparents aged 60 and older. 

Dominica Applicant Requirements:

  • Medical Certificate
  • Police records from the country of citizenship
  • A donation of $100,000 for a single applicant
  • Be over 18 years old

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Obtaining a permanent residence and citizenship, which allows you to live, work, and study in Ireland, is not difficult. The Irish Citizenship by Investment program provides four available investment options: You can choose to invest a minimum investment of €1 million in an Irish enterprise and maintain your investment for at least three years (the enterprise you invest in must be registered in Ireland). 

You can also choose to invest at least €1 million in an approved investment fund in Ireland and maintain the investment for three years (the investment funds have to be approved and regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland). Or Invest at least €2 million in an Irish Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) and maintain the investment for three years.

 Also, applicants may donate at least €500,000 to a philanthropic project in sports, education, health, or culture.

Ireland Applicant Requirements:

  • Clean Criminal record
  • A net worth of at least €2 million
  • you must have moral character
  • Proof of the source of funds that are to be used for the investment
  • Medical certificate


The Portugal Citizenship by Investment program offers investors to make a minimum investment of €280,000, €350,000, €400,000, or €500,000 in real estate to qualify for the program. Besides the investment fees, applicants will need to open a Portuguese bank account and make some necessary payments. Like the application fee of €533 per family, and the health insurance fees that cost between €300-1,000.

Portugal Applicant Requirements:

  • Clean criminal record
  • Full health insurance
  • Proficiency in the Portuguese language
  • Bank statement stating that the applicant’s income exceeds €760
  • Residence status for at least 5 years


Source: pexels.com

To get Bulgarian citizenship by investment, invest a minimum amount of €512,000 (BGN 1 million) into an approved investment fund company in Bulgaria, you also have to maintain your investments for at least five years, after which the funds will be returned to you. You can choose to invest your funds into Stocks/Shares traded in Bulgaria, Real estate investment companies, or private equity funds. 

Bulgaria Applicant Requirements:

  • You are a Non-EU citizen
  • No criminal record
  • You are in good health
  • Civil status documents: marriage certificate, divorce paper, birth certificate, medical certificate, police certificate, proof of funds, and other necessary documents. 

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Austria’s citizenship by investment program allows applicants to invest actively in the Austria economy for permanent residence. The minimum investment for citizenship by investment in Austria is €10 million paid directly into an active business, or €3 million as a donation to the government development fund. The Austria passport will provide you with visa-free travel benefits to over 190 destinations worldwide, including the United States and The United Kingdom.

Austria Applicant Requirements:

  • Birth certificate
  • Solid Business Background
  • Approved investment by business by the Austria government
  • Medical certificate
  • Original police clearance certificate

13. PERU.

Peru Citizenship by Investment is a Programme that allows anyone to obtain Peru Citizenship by contributing a significant amount to a Peruvian company or in real estate. Investors must invest at least 500,000 SOL ($130,000) to qualify for the Peru investor visa.

Peru Applicant Requirements:

  • Medical insurance
  • Proof of income 
  • Original Police Clearance certificate
  • You must create at least 5 jobs for Peruvians, within a period not exceeding 1 year
  • All documents must be translated into Spanish.


The Vanuatu Citizenship by Investment program, officially known as the Vanuatu Development Support Program, requires a minimum amount of $130,000 into a local development fund. The program offers one of the easiest and fastest citizenship and second passport programs in the world that only requires a donation of $130,000+ for a single applicant, $150,000+ for a couple, and $180,000+ for a family of four.

Vanuatu Applicant Requirement

  • Police Reports- Proof of clean criminal record
  • Have no outstanding visa refusals
  • Documents: Financial documents, business documents, proof of address, medical certificate, birth certificate, marriage or divorce certificate (all documents must be provided in English)
  • Proof of an available bank account balance of at least $200,000


There are several benefits to citizenship by investment. It creates a bond between you and a particular country. With this partnership, you will get to invest in the country’s economy for some unique rights. If you hope to gain citizenship by investment someday eventually, our list of best citizenship by investment counties will be a helpful guide for you.


What is the best citizenship by investment countries?

All countries provide a variety of offers to those who get citizenship by investment. However, some of the best citizenship by investment countries include Canada, Malta, Cyprus, Turkey, and others.

What are the benefits of citizenship by investment?

When you gain citizenship by investment, you will have the right to work, the right to property ownership, the right to freedom, and the right to public opinion.


  • Passports.io
  • Immigrantinvest.com
  • Goldenvisas.com
  • Sovspot.com


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